Current Projects
HINGE: Human InteractioN supported Generative modEls for creative designs
This project, in collaboration with Co-Design Lab., aims to focus on novel approaches for intelligent-design systems that facilitate both designers (as human agents) and computers (as artificial agents) to complementarily take on different roles in the design process, enabling an optimal collaboration between the two of them with each being able to "do what they do best". This mixed-initiative will yield generative design tools integrated with users' perceptual judgment regarding design along with the efficient and safe exploration of diverse alternatives during shape optimisation of mechanical and maritime products.
Funder: The Royal Society
GRPES: learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES
With the funding of approximately 4 million euros from the European Union under the Horizon 2020 program, GRAPES aims at considerably advancing state of the art in Mathematics, Computer-Aided Design, and Machine Learning in order to promote game-changing approaches for generating, optimising, and learning 3D shapes, along with a multisectoral training for young researchers.
Funder: European Union Horizon H2020
Past Projects
Offshore Extrapolation Model Development
This project aimed to develop a data-driven model to predict and extrapolate the total time taken to perform the rescue mission from a lower sea state to a higher sea state of 7 or 5.5 meters. This rescue mission is accomplished using Fast Rescue Craft, Daughter Craft and Dacon Scoop of Emergency Rescue and Response Vessels (ERRV).
Funder: Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel Association Limited (ERRVA)
NEXUS: Towards Game-Changer Service Operation Vessels for Offshore Wind Farms
The NEXUS project was carried out by a consortium (co-led by ARTTIC and Rolls-Royce Marine) made up of 6 recognised and experienced key players from 4 different EU member states. The consortium consisted of ARTTIC, Rolls-Royce Marine AS, University of Strathclyde, GONDAN Shipbuilders, DNV GL AS, Global Marine Group and SINTEF Ocean. It aimed to develop and demonstrate novel, beyond state of the art, specialised vessel and logistics for safe and sustainable servicing of offshore wind farms.
Funder: European Union Horizon H2020
ModiYacht: Feature-line and Attributive based Shape Modifiers for External Design of Superyachts
A yacht is a recreational boat or ship whose external appearance should attract customers in order to make them buy it. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software utilized for the exterior design of these yachts is not easy to use and can be used by experienced design engineers. Improvements in design tools enable designers to generate innovative designs and increase their flexibility. User-friendly design tools enable even customers to involve the design process to some extent.
Funder: The Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)